Quick Bites for your Dental Office
The one-stop-shop to get all your dental questions answered. Ashley Bond, the founder of Bond Dental Billing, takes your dental questions and answers them in Quick sound Bites for easy implementation in your busy day. If you want your question answered on air, email me at ashley.bond@bonddentalbilling.com. Let's begin! www.bonddentalbilling.com
Quick Bites for your Dental Office
5 Easy Collection Tips
Ashley Bond
Season 1
Episode 38
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Email me today: ashley@bonddentalconsulting.com
Collecting Payment at Time of Service
- Make sure to collect family balance including previous balances and balances from other family members. Don’t just collect today’s portion due.
- Make sure to $0-out estimated insurance payment on any procedures not covered by insurance before batching claim to collect that $ at time of service. (I.E. Vel., laser, adult FL, D4910, guards, etc)
- When reviewing treatment plans, let patients know that their estimated portion is due at the time of service, so there won’t be any surprises. Even better- collect when you schedule that appointment (before they come in) Options: offer 3%/5% pre-pay discount (depending on credit card or cash/check). Not only does this help KEEP their appointment, it also helps us from chasing down payment.
- You can collect for treatment BEFORE the patient goes back into the treatment room. “[Patient Name], before you go back to see [Dr Name], I’ll take care of your estimated portion due today. (If they ask why-) I know you’ll be numb when you leave, so this is our standard protocol to make it easier on our patients.” (Present it as a courtesy to THEM)
- Make sure every team member is on the same page and follows the same protocols for collections.