Quick Bites for your Dental Office

3 Tips To A Better Morning Huddle

Ashley Bond Season 1 Episode 30


3 Tips for a Better Morning Huddle

  1. 10 minutes before first scheduled patients
  2. Each team member presents
  3. Fill and and use a morning huddle sheet
    1. Treatment coordinator- who did not schedule next visit yesterday and why- what is the follow up
    2. Financial coordinator- who has a balance that you need to see today- maybe even before appt
    3. Appointment coordinator- openings in the schedule over the next 2 days, give downtime jobs to clinical team
    4. Office manager- production and collection goals, np goal, special campaign- google reviews, etc
    5. Hygienists- who has unscheduled tx, what family members are not scheduled for recare, who is due for velscope, laser, fl, lapt. Who needs an updated health history, who will you ask for a referral from today
    6. Assistants- are all the lab cases back, who has next treatment, have all io photos/xrays for crowns, who isn't scheduled for next recare, any ER or NP today