Quick Bites for your Dental Office
The one-stop-shop to get all your dental questions answered. Ashley Bond, the founder of Bond Dental Billing, takes your dental questions and answers them in Quick sound Bites for easy implementation in your busy day. If you want your question answered on air, email me at ashley.bond@bonddentalbilling.com. Let's begin! www.bonddentalbilling.com
Quick Bites for your Dental Office
6 Reasons To Use Checklists In The Dental Office
Ashley Bond
Season 1
Episode 24
Today we will explore the six reasons to use checklists in the dental office. If you want to be a part of my front office coaching program, head to https://bonddentalbilling.com/online-courses/ today!
6 Reasons to use checklists in the dental office
- Sickness or Vacation Coverage
- Each One Teach One Opportunities
- Stay on Task/ Multi-tasking
- Turn Over Protection
- Training Opportunities
- Accountability