Quick Bites for your Dental Office
The one-stop-shop to get all your dental questions answered. Ashley Bond, the founder of Bond Dental Billing, takes your dental questions and answers them in Quick sound Bites for easy implementation in your busy day. If you want your question answered on air, email me at ashley.bond@bonddentalbilling.com. Let's begin! www.bonddentalbilling.com
Quick Bites for your Dental Office
Dentrix Tool You NEED To Be Using TODAY
Ashley Bond
Season 1
Episode 23
Splitting claims may be one of the most crucial feature to be using in Dentrix to successfully follow-up on unpaid claims. Don't know what I'm talking about? Listen today to get my quick and easy tip for SUCCESS.
Are you ready to outsource your dental billing and insurance headaches to dental experts? Let us help you! Unlike other companies, I personally onboard each and every office myself to give you the quality service you deserve. Learn more about our services here: